Proceedings of the Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

Código CCN: 107120-3

ISSN (Online): 1553-8486
País: Não informado
Editor: University of Miami
Imprenta: Miami, Fla.: University of Miami, 2022
Título Adicional: Proceedings of the Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute and the Annual International Game Fish Research Conference
Title variation: Proceedings of the Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute and the Annual International Game Fish Research Conference
Numbering area: 1974-2004


Instituição Unidade Biblioteca Coleção Dados
Universidade de São Paulo Instituto Oceanográfico Serviço de Biblioteca e Documentação "Prof. Dr. Gelso Vazzoler" 1978-79; 1982-84; 1986-91; 1992 (41-42)