Kyoto Gaikokugo Daigaku Kenkyu RonsoBulletin of the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies

Código CCN: 104823-6

ISSN (Online): 0389-9152
País: Não informado
Editor: Kyoto Gaikokugo Daigaku
Imprenta: Kyoto, Japão: Kyoto Gaikokugo Daigaku, 2017
Título Adicional: Academic Bulletin, the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
Title variation: Bulletin of the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies / Academic Bulletin, the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
Título Paralelo: Bulletin of the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
Numbering area: Vol. 3 (1959)-Vol. 79 (July 2012)


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