Mededelingen der Veeartsenijschool van de Rijksuniversiteit te GentCommunications de l'Ecole de Medecine Veterinaire / Universite de l'État Gand = Communications of the Veterinary Colleges of the State University Ghent

Código CCN: 046737-5

ISSN (Online): 0433-9851
País: Não informado
Editor: Rijksuniversiteit Veeartsenijschool
Imprenta: Gent, Belgica: Rijksuniversiteit Veeartsenijschool, 1957
Title variation: Communications de l'Ecole de Medecine Veterinaire / Universite de l'État Gand / Communications of the Veterinary Colleges of the State University Ghent
Título Paralelo: Communications de l'Ecole de Medecine Veterinaire / Universite de l'État Gand / Communications of the Veterinary Colleges of the State University Ghent
Numbering area: Vol. 1 (1957)-Vol. 12 (1968)

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