Newsletter of the IFLA Section on Interlending and Document Delivery

Código CCN: 036568-8

ISSN (Online): 1016-281X
País: Não informado
Editor: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
Imprenta: [s.l.]: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 2021
Título Adicional: Newsletter of the Section on Interlending and Document Delivery Newsletter of the IFLA Section on Document Delivery and Interlending
Title variation: Newsletter of the Section on Interlending and Document Delivery / Newsletter of the IFLA Section on Document Delivery and Interlending
Numbering area: No. 1 (19??)-(Feb. 2005)

LEADER 01822 a2200361
008 840802d19??2005 #
022 |a 1016-281X 
035 |a 036568-8 
041 # 0 |a ENG 
044 |a Não informado 
210 1 |a Newsl. IFLA Sect. Interlend. Doc. Deliv. 
245 1 |a Newsletter of the IFLA Section on Interlending and Document Delivery 
245 0 0 |  0 
246 3 3 |a Newsletter of the Section on Interlending and Document Delivery 
246 3 3 |a Newsletter of the IFLA Section on Document Delivery and Interlending 
260 |b International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions 
260 |a [s.l.] 
260 |c 2021 
362 1 |a No. 1 (19??)-(Feb. 2005) 
500 |a Continuado por: Newsletter of the IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section 
599 |a Divulgação 
710 0 1 |a IFLA Section on Interlending and Document Delivery\nIFLA Section on Document Delivery and Interlending\nInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions\nFédération internationale des Associations de Bibliothécaires et des Bibliothèques\nInternationaler Verband der Bibliothekarischen Vereine und Institutionen\nMezdunarodnaâ Federaciâ Bibliotecnyh Associacij Ucrezdenij 
|  Sem complementação de título 
853 |a Volume/Ano/Tomo  |b Número  |i Ano de Publicação  |j Mês/Temporada  |z Formato físico da coleção 
852 |a Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia  |c Biblioteca 
866 |a 1973 (1); 1974 (2); 1989 (dez); 1990 (jun); 1991 (jan,jul); 1992(jul); 1993 (jun); 1994 (mar,jul,dez); 1996 (jan,jul); 1999 (jan,jul); 2000 (jan,jul)